The Pet Protector Home Page

Already a member? Click here for login.

To order your pet's Emergency Tag, please complete the form below.

* Indicates Required Field

First Name *


Last Name *

Home Address *


City *

State (or Canada) *


ZIP/Postal Code *

Primary Phone *


Email Address *

Password *


Confirm Password *

[Your password must be a minimum of 6 numbers and/or letters and is not case sensitive.]

Address *


City *

State (or Canada) *


ZIP/Postal Code *

Number of Memberships:     Total: $14.95 ($34.95 value)

Name on Card *


Credit Card Number *
(no spaces)


Card Type *



Card Expiration *

[The 3 or 4 digit code on the front or back of your credit card]

Address *


City *

State (or Canada) *


ZIP/Postal Code *


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